Kerry - because we have experience
There's a long history of filmmaking in Kerry. "Joyride" starring Olivia Colman, shot in the county in the Summer of 2021. Previous to that “Star Wars” & Yorgos Lanthimos' “The Lobster” shot locally in 2017 & 2015. Filmmaking in Kerry stretches right back to 1910 when the New York based "O’Kalem Company" filmed multiple features here. In the interim, productions such as "Ryan’s Daughter", "Far & Away" & "Excalibur" have successfully shot here.
We understand filmmaking & can deliver the production support needed for a successful shoot.

Kerry - Because of the Locations
People travel from all over the world to experience the dramatic landscapes in Kerry.
There is a huge variety of man made and natural locations in the county ranging from cliffs, islands, mountains, forests to Georgian street-scapes, churches, period houses, schools, factories, railway stations & hospitals. All of these and more are available to film in Kerry. Talk to us in Screen Kerry if you have something specific in mind!
Know what you're looking for? Search our locations database
Kerry - Because of the Bottom line
Kerry benefits from a highly competitive tax rebate of 32% to incentivise filming in regional areas of Ireland.
Productions filming in the county are also eligible to apply for the Screen Ireland Additional Production Support Fund.
Kerry - Because of the Know How
We have a number of companies in Kerry who provide specialist film services. These companies have evolved their services through working with major film productions in the county and now work internationally. “Work at Height” have run logistics and Health & Safety for “Star Wars : The Force Awakens” , “Star Wars : The Last Jedi” and most recently for “Mission Impossible 6”. They are trusted by the largest production companies in the world & pride themselves on providing effective solutions on location.

Kerry - Because of the Training
Kerry’s long affinity with filmmaking has led to the provision of career level industry training in the county for over 30 yrs. Bespoke courses run through the “Dawn Workshops” are responsive to industry needs and have brought top international filmmakers such as Tony Miller, Mo Flam & Mike Uva among others to deliver training in their field. This calibre of industry training is a major asset to the county.

Kerry - Because we want to work with you!
We value the contribution that film production brings to the local economy and will pull out all the stops to ensure you have a successful shoot. Kerry is a creative hotspot with deep-rooted music, literature & film traditions. We enjoy the collaborative process & are determined that you will have a successful shoot!