Banna Beach

Banna beach has been voted Ireland's best beach on more than one occasion.

It offers stunning views, deep rolling sand dunes and a stretch of beach that goes on for miles The summer months possibly offer the most stunning sunsets in the Northern hemisphere Banna has three car parks with the main park at the beach front which can hold thirty cars or fewer HGVs. Public toilet access is subject to opening times depending on the season. Vendors make use of the main car park during the summer months. PPeak season for tourism is from late May to early September. A generator will be required for electrical power.


Banna Beach
Co. Kerry

  • Latitude: 52.338745
  • Latitude: -9.835651


  • Accommodation at location
  • Location within 5km of service station
  • Parking available at location
  • Toilets at location

Contact Details

Kate Kennelly (Kerry Arts Officer)
Kerry Film Development Officer

t: +353 (0)66 7183541

County Buildings, Rathass,
Tralee, Co. Kerry

Banna Beach

Banna Beach

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